Brief Description: Bouncing Rainbow, initially conceived as an idle-clicker game, underwent a transformative evolution into an engaging arcade-idle+idle-clicker hybrid. Despite achieving commendable Cost Per Install (CPI) and playtime, a concerted effort was made to enhance retention, thereby improving user engagement and Lifetime Value (LTV).
My Roles:
Guided the project through the transition from idle-clicker to arcade-idle, preparing comprehensive design documents for a seamless evolution.
Defined the global vision and iteration roadmaps, ensuring a strategic path for the project's development.
Conducted market analysis to gather valuable insights, shaping the future trajectory of the game.
Designed potential layouts, crafting detailed mock-ups in Figma/Illustrator to visualize the envisioned changes.
Maintained meticulous game balance, a crucial aspect for a gratifying user experience.
Conducted Quality Assurance (QA) for each iteration, ensuring a polished and error-free gaming experience.